I set out to write the heaviest and most personal interpretation of "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. The first two songs are a direct one to one composition that follows the narrative of the original poem's first 3 cantos.
The Instrumental version of the record is my personal favorite version of it. That’s not to say that the vocal talents for the full version are something I dislike at all, but I have always enjoyed how the instrumental came together without my words painting a picture that detracts from the feeling the story provides.
This record took me about a year from the concept, all the way to completion. I did get to include some of my close friends on the record with their singing, screaming, some guitar solos, and my friend Jacob Umansky for the bass recordings. Everything else including the writing, composing, recording, engineering, mixing and mastering were all done by myself. Divinity was released in 2018.
The full version of Divinity was the intended version that combines the vocals of some of my closest friends and helps to define the more personal nature of the record.
Once you get to Limbo, that's where I break off into my own interpretation. Every song based off of the 9 levels of hell are written about my personal experiences that pertain to each topic they embody. Purgatorio and Paradiso are more direct reflections of what purgatory and heavenly paradise may feel like.
The idea of writing a concept record based around a simple concept, yet also included tracks that could stand on their own was the main goal in the end. This was a way to also reflect my own experiences with the nature of each topic specifically. I don’t normally feel comfortable writing lyrics, but I found that it would only make sense to do so for such a personal record. Although I am writing this in 2023, and this record doesn’t represent myself currently, it’s a snapshot of 2018 for me, and an enjoyable view into that time for myself.