I’ve been writing music for video games for around 4 years now. With a background in audio engineering for 11 years, and playing drums as well as guitar for bands and my own personal projects for over a decade.
My passion of audio is more than just a love to write music, it is a drive to explore the boundaries of the art form and to expand it in new ways. This means formulating music with the focus of audio implementation from the start, to blend the way the player or viewer experiences the sound of the world around them. This may also mean deciding to create space for the sound design team to breathe more life into a project that needs it. Whatever way is possible to further enrich the experience of the player is what I aim for.
Honestly, these bios can be boring sometimes, and may sound repetitive after a while. So I thought I would include a few other personal things about myself in the “A Bit About Myself” Page.